Where to find FREEDM in September 2019

2019 Microgrid and DERS Summit

Sept. 17-18, 2019

Alexandria, VA

The Roosevelt Security Council hosts this annual summit of senior level executives to focus on the technical capabilities and innovations that allow for increased integration of DERS, storage and microgrid projects into our national energy infrastructure. The Summit will also address business models and use cases in light of the current regulatory and market landscape. Presenters and attendees include top leaders from electric utilities, DOD, DOE, and technology innovators. Use FREEDM15 for 15% off registration at the summit website: https://rscouncil.org/microgridandders/



Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2019

Baltimore, MD

The IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE) is the premier international conference and exposition event on electrical and electromechanical energy conversion. It features both industry-driven and application-oriented technical sessions for practicing engineers, researchers and other professionals. Come learn about the latest advances in various areas related to energy conversion. FREEDM is well-represented at this year’s conference, with 30+ faculty and Ph.D. researchers presenting papers, posters and slides at the event. Visit our booth in the University Lounge if you’re attending the conference.

ECCE 2019 Papers