
Our education programs equip the next generation of energy leaders and help students make valuable industry connections.

Graduate Students

FREEDM gives master’s and Ph.D. students in electrical and computer engineering, materials sciences and other energy-related fields the chance to work with world-class faculty and develop the professional and technical skills to succeed in the real world. One of five National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers in the energy, sustainability and infrastructure fields, FREEDM provides hands-on research experience with power electronics that puts students at the forefront of education and innovation.

The driving force behind FREEDM is the creation of the energy internet — a system that combines advances in power electronics and a network of distributed energy resources to develop secure communications for intelligent power management.

Students will focus on a variety of departmental research projects in the areas of System Technology, Enabling Technologies and Fundamental Science, including power electronics packaging, controls theory, solid state transformers, fault isolation devices and power systems simulation and demonstration. They’ll also have access to internships, fellowships and cooperative education experiences with industry partners.

300+ Students

Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students have studied or done research at the FREEDM Center.

Undergraduate Students

FREEDM offers opportunities for undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering and math fields to participate in renewable and electric power energy systems research. Students take part in the FREEDM Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates. If you are interested in applying for the 2021 Summer REU program, the application is available here.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at NC State also offers an undergraduate concentration in Renewable Electric Energy Systems within the Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering degree program. Students who choose this path will gain experience with renewable energy distribution in an interdisciplinary team-based environment.